Electronic Journals
- Acta Sociologica (table of contents)
- American Journal of Economics and Sociology (subscription required)
- American Journal of Sociology (table of contents)
- Annual Review of Sociology (subscription to online text)
- American Sociological Review (table of contents) (official journal of the American Sociological Association)
- Belarus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Series of Humanitarian Sciences (abstracts) ("publishes original scientific papers in the field of philosophy, sociology, law, economy, history, art studies, ethnography, folklore, literature studies, and linguistics")
- British Journal of Social Psychology (subscription required)
- British Journal of Sociology (subscription required)
- British Journal of Sociology of Education (subscription required)
- Canadian Journal of Sociology (abstracts)
- Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology / La Revue canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie (table of contents only)
- Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography (CDAB) Online Edition (abstracts)
- Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine (social aspects of online communications) (full text online; open access)
- Criminal Justice Policy Review (abstracts) (articles on justice policy using quantitative and qualitative methods)
- CTheory: An International Electronic Review of Books on Theory, Technology and Culture (online text; open access) (Concordia University, Canada)
- Cultural Studies (abstracts)
- Current Research in Social Psychology (online text; open access)
- CyberSociology (online text; open access) (sociological and ethnographic research of cyberspace; critical discussion of the internet, cyberspace, cyberculture and life online)
- Edge: E-Journal of Intercultural Relations (online text; open access) ("online journal created to give the many people with an interest in intercultural relations an outlet to share their work with other people around the world via the World Wide Web.")
- Electronic Journal of Sociology (online text; open access)
- Ethnic and Racial Studies (abstracts)
- Ethnic Conflict Research Digest (online pdf text; open access)
- Future of Children (online pdf text; open access) (children's well-being)
- Il Trimestrale / The Lab's Quarterly (full-text Italian journal from University of Pisa on the methods of social and political research)
- International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (official journal of the International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Disasters (RC 39) ).
- International Journal of the Sociology of Law (abstracts; references)
- International Review of Social History (requires subscription)
- Irish Journal of Sociology (table of contents)
- Jewish Social Studies (requires subscription)
- Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (online text; open access) (social aspects of online communications)
- Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture (online text; open access)
- Journal of Historical Sociology (subscription required)
- Journal of Online Behavior (advertising)
- Journal of Social History (requires subscription)
- Journal of Social Issues (requires subscription)
- Journal of Social Policy (requires subscription)
- Journal of Sociology (abstracts) (Australian Sociological Association)
- Latitudes, The McGill Journal of Developing Areas Studies
- New Community - the Journal of the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations
- Political Science Quarterly
- Postmodern Culture Journal
- The Qualitative Report (An Online Journal Dedicated to Qualitative Research and Critical Inquiry)
- Radical Pedagogy (An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the analysis of contemporary teaching and learning.)
- Religion (abstracts; references)
- Reviewing Sociology (book reviews)
- Revue Suisse de Sociologie
- Rural Society (Centre for Rural Social Research, Charles Sturt University, Australia)
- Rural Sociology
- Social Policy and Administration (requires password)
- Social Science History (requires password)
- Social Science Paper Publisher (Informal journal publishing broad sociological subjects)
- Social Science Research (abstracts, references)
- Social Sciences and Medicine (requires subscription)
- Social Text (requires subscription)
- Sociological Methodology ("an annual volume on methods of research in the social sciences"; American Sociological Association)
- Sociological Methods & Research (specialize in articles that "clarify methodological problems and assist in ordering the known facts in an area.")
- Sociological Quarterly
- Sociological Research Online (British Sociological Association; open access to full text until Dec, 1998; thereafter paid subscriptions))
- Sociology (abstracts only) (British Sociological Association)
- Sociology of Health & Illness (subscription required)
- Speed: Technology, Media, Society (archived issues)
- Theory and Science (An interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the discussion of theory, science, and social change)
- World Systems Research, Journal of (open access to full text)
- Worldwide Attitudes Electronic Journal (stale dated, 1996)
Electronic Newsletters
- International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) Newsletter
- Internet Resources Newsletter
- Interracial Voice
- Multiracial Activist (civil liberties issues of interest to biracial/multiracial individuals, interracial couples/families and transracial adoptees)
- Race, Poverty and the Environment (A Newsletter for Social and Environmental Justice)
- Social Research Update (University of Surrey, UK)
- SocialFacts (Newsletter of the Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Sociology and Social Thought News (Department of Sociology, Hillsdale College)
- Sociology Department News (Department of Sociology, Francis Marion University)
- Sociology Student Association News (California State University, Fullerton)
- Sociology Weekly News (Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Theory, Culture & Society (University of Teesside, UK)
- Unscheduled Events Newsletter (International Research Committee on Disasters, International Sociological Association)
- What's New in WWW Social Sciences Newsletter